She Did It Anyway

As many of you know, I love to learn.  So, I am taking a 6-week online Soul Restoration course put on by the Brave Girls Club (  I took the course for a number of reasons, but mainly because it sounded like fun – 6 weeks of crafting projects exploring your own inner child (what more does a girl need).  I am 4 weeks in and I have to say I am having fun creating and writing, but I am also learning a lot about myself.

This week’s topic is looking back at women in our own history who did it anyway – despite the odds against them.  I have a lot to draw from as some of my relatives came across country in covered wagons – leaving friends and family behind – to fulfill their dreams of a better life.

As I gave this more thought, I realized that I also came across country leaving friends and family behind to fulfill my dreams.  Of course, I had an air conditioned car and there were lots of Motel 6’s along the way – as this brave girl does not “camp.”  I moved to Los Angeles in 1992, just after the riots.  People said I was crazy, but I did it anyway.  I had a dream of working on movies and television that was far greater than my need to stay stuck back east.

And, I was able to fulfill that dream.  Within 6 months of moving to Los Angeles, my new friends had helped me get a job as a Production Assistant for a television show called, “Shame On You.”  I then learned the ropes of the business as I moved from show to show and up the ladder.  I became a Script Supervisor for movies and then a writer for several cable television shows.

At some point, though, my dream got interrupted.  I guess you could say I grew up and got a real job.  It’s not that I don’t like my job, I do.  It’s very fulfilling and it provides well for me.  But I don’t ever remember saying, “When I grow up, I want to teach people how to use the computer.”

And, then, a gift was given.  I learned that I could paint and create beautiful works of art from clay.  Suddenly my dream evolved and morphed into something new.  Instead of picturing myself winning an Academy Award, I began dreaming of becoming a world-renowned artist and writer.  And, I’m doing it anyway . . .

What have you “done anyway” – despite what people said or the odds stacked against you?

© 2011 Heather C. Morrow.  All rights reserved

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Heather C. Morrow, owner of Pottery Daily, helps emerging artists express their true value and get paid what they are worth.  Her products and services show you how to make more money, save more time while enjoying the freedom in your art.  For your FREE audio go to

3 Responses to “She Did It Anyway”

  1. Karen Says:

    My Grandmother traveled from Kansas to Washington State when she was 16 on the train to marry her boyfriend who was working in Ellensburg. He couldn’t afford to go home to Kansas for a wedding there and then take both of them back as he only had enough money for her one way ticket. She went by herself with her belongings in a round top trunk in the early 1900’s. I’ve always considered her the ultimate “brave girl” especially since when she was older, she was so cautious, proper and conservative.

  2. hmorrow Says:

    Thanks, Karen. Wonder where that trunk is now. 😉

  3. Karen Says:

    The trunk is where it belongs, in Altadena, CA, with the other brave girl in my life.

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